3 Tips for taking Great Pictures

If you think all the magic happens in post-production, forget it. Shooting great portraits comes down to planning. Here are his techniques that work as well for magazine covers as Snapchat.

Don't hit the subject square-on.
Everyone looks better when they're pitched at about a 30-degree angle relative to the photographer. If you look at actresses who know how to walk a red carpet, they turn their hips and legs away from the camera. Also, shoot from slightly above the eye-line at an angle down on the subject.

Where to stand:
People still make the mistake of thinking that the photographer should have his back to the sun. The most flattering light is the photographer shooting into the sun, so the subject is backlit. Or put the subject into open shade. Shooting with the sun, you get hard, deep shadows, and squinting.

For backlighting, know how to expose properly. The camera is going to think you're shooting bright light, and the subject will go dark. Manually override to overexpose the camera and show the subject.

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