Have u got eczema on your face?

Eczema – the name given to a handful of dermatological medical conditions that affects far more infants and children than it does adults. The condition is fairly easy to identify.
Generally appearing on the hands, feet, face, legs, or the inner creases of knees and elbows, symptoms typically include extremely dry or thickened skin, redness, swelling, and almost always an extremely unbearable itching, which, if scratched, causes the rash to appear.

Follow the following steps to get rid of it


Limit the contact that you have with water each day. While water can help hydrate your skin, if your skin remains wet for too long or the water is too hot, your skin can become dehydrated and chapped


Apply moisturizers and ointments while your skin is still damp after enduring contact with water


Hot water and cold air can worsen eczema symptoms, leaving your hands feeling dry and raw. Plastic kitchen gloves are a must when washing dishes, while smooth cotton gloves can help protect your hands from the cold throughout the long winter months.


Stop scratching your skin. While eczema-prone skin can be dry and itchy, constantly scratching it can leave your skin raw with open sores that are prone to infection.

Schedule an appointment with your dermatologist if lifestyle changes and over-the-counter moisturizers don't seem to help your eczema symptoms. Eczema can manifest in the same ways as a multitude of other skin conditions, and it's important to get an accurate diagnosis.

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